How Does SWIFT Microwave Verruca Treatment Work?

Until very recently verruca was known as a foot condition notoriously difficult to treat. Simply because many of the procedures used to get rid of verruca involved covering the affected area with acid in order to reach deep into the skin and get to the root of the virus. This caused many undesirable after-effects such […]
How to treat and prevent Verruca in children

Nothing is more devastating for a parent than seeing their little ones in distress, especially when this distress is caused by a foot condition about which they can do very little. If your child complains of foot pain and a collection of black dots have appeared at the bottom of their feet, they have likely […]
Verruca, Where Do They Come From?

What Have you got a painful rough patch on your foot with black dots in the middle? It might feel like you’ve stood on a needle when you walk? Chances are it’s a verruca. Some verrucae will grow in a cluster so you will have many of them in a patch. They are really annoying […]