
How to relieve heel pain?

How to relieve heel pain Heel pain is a common condition that can occur due to various reasons, including plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, stress fractures, Achilles tendonitis, and others. The constant trauma of landing hard on your heel and the lack of arch support from some footwear can cause the band of tissue running the […]

Heel pain

Heel pain in Buckinghamshire

Simply saying “I have heel pain” may be clear to you but as podiatrists, we are after the specifics. This is because there are at least 6 different conditions that cause heel pain that are often grouped together. We want to know exactly where the pain is, how often you experience it, what shoes you […]

Morton’s Neuroma

A pain in the foot can have many causes- which is why our knowledge and skills enable us to diagnose what exactly is the problem from a pain. Most people have never heard of Morton’s Neuroma, those who think it is serious or something to do with cancer, the “roma” ending does mean growth. It […]

How to survive killer heels on your wedding day!


Your wedding day is one of the important days of your life and you want to look fabulous in those killer 6inch Jimmy Choo’s. However, you don’t want the day to be ruined by the extreme pain your heels may cause you from standing, walking and dancing to your favourite tunes.

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