
Pain FREE Heels – The Destination Is Right Here!

Heel pain is disabling, frustrating and excruciatingly painful. The constant throb, ache and stab really does get in the way of the simplest of things in life such as walking, round of golf, carrying shopping, and playing with the kids. It stops you in your tracks and you are unable to do the things you most love doing. For those non-heel pain sufferers, you really are not missing out!

There are over forty different causes of heel pain. Identifying the cause of your heel pain and getting the correct diagnosis (that does not include Dr Google BTW!) will lead you on to efficient and effective treatment. Sooner rather than later is best. We see daily, patients’ attending with 3-4 years of heel pain and it’s worn them down so much they have lost all hope, have given up on all the things they love and really struggling with getting the minimum done.

I’m here to reassure and empower you to say, there are many things that you could actively be doing to help. If you have pain that is not improving > 6 weeks, this needs assessment with a podiatrist to treat, cure and prevent the heel pain from getting worse.

Podiatrists are very skilled and talented in the treatment of heel pain. We provide patient education and will give you a diagnosis, cause of the pain, but more so a customised treatment plan along with your wishes.

A typical course of treatment at Walk This Way may include:
1. A course of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (86% success rate)
2. Rehabilitation with use of an app with makes the exercises fun, easy to use and you can track your progress
3. Change of footwear – 90% of our patients are in the wrong size / style shoes
4. Strapping – aids to improve circulation, accelerates healing, supports injured tissues
5. Acupuncture – helps to restore function and relieve pain
6. Foot mobilisation – helps to restore function and pain relief
7. Custom Foot Orthotics scientifically improve the plantar pressures of the soles of your feet and change the timing of your walking. This effectively treats any gait dysfunction, cause of foot pain.
8. P.O.L.I.C.E – protection, optimum loading, ice, compression, elevation are all simple things that can be done from the comfort of your own home

So please do not suffer in silence. When you have heel pain or a foot problem, instantly think PODIATRIST!

We are a proud and wonderful profession who love treating heel pain. We have the fancy equipment to effectively assess heel pain, the medical training to diagnose heel pain and the skill set to successful cure and prevent the recurrence of heel pain.

Heel pain is disabling, the relentless pain wears you down and stops you from doing the things you most love doing. Stop the suffering and give us a call today on 01494 629599 to get the spring back into your step and to get your back doing the things you most love doing.

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