
Debunking 5 common foot health myths: Separating fact from fiction

Proper foot health is crucial for overall well-being, but there are several misconceptions that can cloud our understanding of how to care for our feet. I want to debunk five common foot health myths and provide you with accurate information to help you make informed decisions about your foot health. Let’s dispel these myths and ensure that your feet receive the attention they deserve.

Myth 1: Cracking Joints Causes Arthritis

One prevalent myth suggests that cracking joints, including those in the feet, can lead to arthritis. However, medical professionals have debunked this belief. The popping sound that occurs during joint cracking is caused by the release of gas bubbles and is not associated with the development of arthritis. Arthritis is a multifactorial condition influenced by factors such as genetics and age-related wear and tear.

Myth 2: Wearing Small Shoes Helps “Break Them In”

Another common myth suggests that wearing shoes that are too small can help “break them in.” This practice not only causes discomfort but also increases the risk of foot problems. Properly fitting shoes are essential from the start, allowing ample space for your toes to move freely. Wearing shoes that are too small can lead to painful feet, bunions, corns, calluses, and ingrown toenails.

Myth 3: Cutting Off a Verruca Makes It Go Away

A popular misconception is that cutting off a verruca at home will make it disappear. However, this approach is not recommended and can lead to infection and potential regrowth / spread of infection. Veruccas are caused by a viral infection and require appropriate treatment under the guidance of a podiatrist. Treatments such as verruca needling, and SWIFT are nowadays commonly used to effectively treat warts.

Myth 4: Foot Problems Only Affect Older People

Older patients are always shocked to see kids in my waiting room. Yes, kids get foot problems too! Foot issues can affect people of all ages. Conditions like plantar fasciitis, flat feet, and ingrown toenails can occur at any stage of life. Maintaining proper foot care, wearing supportive shoes, and addressing concerns promptly are important for anyone of all age groups.

Myth 5: Vicks VapoRub is an Effective Treatment for Fungal Toenails

There is a widespread belief that Vicks VapoRub, a popular topical ointment for chest infections / difficulty breathing, can effectively treat fungal toenail infections. However, this is a huge myth that needs to be debunked. While Vicks VapoRub contains ingredients like camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus oil, which have mild antifungal properties, it is not specifically formulated or clinically proven to treat fungal nail infections. My preferred treatments are topical, surgical or laser; pending on the amount / area of diseased toenail(s), existing medical conditions and how chronic the infection is.

Taking care of our feet requires accurate information to ensure their long-term health. Here, we have debunked five common foot health myths to provide you with accurate information. More so, to get you the result you want! We learned that cracking joints does not cause arthritis, wearing small shoes can lead to foot problems, cutting off warts at home is not recommended, foot problems can affect people of all ages, and Vicks Vapo Rub is not the best choice for fungal toenails. By dispelling these myths, I hope to promote better foot care practices and encourage seeking professional advice from a podiatrist for your foot health needs. Take care of your feet, prioritise accurate information, and step confidently towards optimal foot health.

Maggie Trevillion

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