6 Steps to Prettier Feet This Summer
Pretty and well-groomed feet are becoming a must these days. Summer is here and feet are out.
Pain FREE Heels – The Destination Is Right Here!
The answer to your heel pain is right here! Keep on reading…
Heel pain
Simply saying “I have heel pain” may be clear to you but as podiatrists, we are after the specifics. This is because there are at least 6 different conditions that cause heel pain that are often grouped together. We want to know exactly where the pain is, how often you experience it, what shoes you […]
Morton’s Neuroma
A pain in the foot can have many causes- which is why our knowledge and skills enable us to diagnose what exactly is the problem from a pain. Most people have never heard of Morton’s Neuroma, those who think it is serious or something to do with cancer, the “roma” ending does mean growth. It […]
The what, where and why of ingrown toenails
What Sore down the sides of your toenails, often with a red inflamed area that does or could get filled with pus? This is when the nail grows into your toe. It might be just a nail spike, or the toenail could be curling round and growing into your toe. It’s absolutely horrible and painful. […]
Are you ashamed of your feet?
I believe cosmetic podiatry is on a tidal wave of transformation and the demand for it is rising by the day. More and more I see daily in my clinic clients attending with embarrassing feet and feeling ashamed which are caused by nail and skin conditions. Reasons for embarrassing feet are cracked heels, fungal infection […]
Verruca, Where Do They Come From?
What Have you got a painful rough patch on your foot with black dots in the middle? It might feel like you’ve stood on a needle when you walk? Chances are it’s a verruca. Some verrucae will grow in a cluster so you will have many of them in a patch. They are really annoying […]
Bare your ‘soles’ this Summer…….
Get your feet summer ready with Walk This Way! It’s that time of year again, and summer is well and truly here. Pack away those winter boots, knee high socks and thermals, because only sandals are needed! Dust your feet off and get them summer ready with Walk This Way’s top five tips below. Neglected […]
Are second-hand shoes a no-no for children’s growing feet?
I get asked this question in the clinic time and time again. Generally, the answer is ‘no’, however ‘hand-me-downs’ or ups or across can be absolutely fine. Measuring the child’s feet is the best starting point for sourcing shoes, as they will need to be of the correct length and width. It’s also important to […]
Do you need to change your running shoes?
Spring is on the way and the longer hours of daylight are perfect for early evening runs. If your running shoes need an update, here are my top tips for choosing the right shoes.