
Are you ashamed of your feet?

I believe cosmetic podiatry is on a tidal wave of transformation and the demand for it is rising by the day. More and more I see daily in my clinic clients attending with embarrassing feet and feeling ashamed which are caused by nail and skin conditions. Reasons for embarrassing feet are cracked heels, fungal infection of the skin and or nails, deformed / damaged toenails, ugly feet etc.

I ask my new clients daily – What do you expect from me? Time and time again it’s “Margaret sort my feet out!” Now this I can do! The beauty of podiatry skin / nail treatments is that the results of treatment are instant (love it) Clients walk out feeling more confident, relieved and more so, happy healthy feet! Also beware this is not an exclusive female problem. 40% of our clientele are men and they also suffer with embarrassing feet! For dry, cracked skin, we use surgical blades to painlessly remove the dead, dry and cracked skin on the soles of your feet. We follow this up with a foot file and a cream to suit your skin condition.

For fungal skin infections AKA athletes’ foot, this needs the correct diagnosis, topical treatment and the one everyone forgets is treatment of your shoes! A change in the material choice of socks and use of an astringent to prevent the reoccurrence is a must. It’s infectious too, so make sure you are not spreading it around your house.
Fungal nail infection is mostly caused by athletes’ foot. It spreads and eats away at your healthy toenails if left untreated. Toenails usually look thick, yellow / brown and often smell. For quick results toenails need to be cut as short as possible both in length and thickness and a daily application of an antifungal nail paint should do the trick. Regular treatment is needed until the nails grow clear of fungus. What’s so frustrating is that the toenails grow so slowly and therefore, results are slow. Concordance is a must with fungal nails!

Verruca’s are easily stamped out with SWIFT verruca treatment or verruca needling. Check out our other blog for this 😉
Deformed nails due to damage or polish are easily treated and avoided. We cut, file, buff and shape the nails, they apply a nail oil leaving them hydrated and looking years younger. If you choose to wear polish – always always use a base coat, this protects the nail plate from dehydration and discolouration. Also take it off every 2-3 weeks give them a little break, a treat of nail oil and then reapply. Come the winter months I’m a fan of naked nails.

For ugly feet it’s a hot topic! I feel it’s important to love and accept what we have. Those whom feel they have ugly feet from my experience tend to have the nicest feet! If you have normal healthy feet, with no pain, deformity nor difficulty with function, what’s there to worry about?

Our clients leave with a tailored treatment plan in the clinic and homecare advice for you to maintain the treatment and results at home.
No one would dream of leaving their dental health for days and weeks at a time, so why ignore your foot health?? Your feet are so important and when there is a problem, it’s disabling. Which 9/10 of these problems are preventable. So, don’t bother with the emotional cost of embarrassing feet give us a call & let us sort your feet out for YOU!

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